Deacons are the “servants” or caregivers” of the congregation. Deacons are the hands and heart of the congregation in our ministry of caring. People have all kinds of needs, illness, grieving, loneliness or other situations when they welcome the ministry of care from our congregation. As a deacon, members are given the opportunity to know other church members, serving them and growing in their understanding of the burdens people carry and how the church can help.
The Board of Deacons consists of 12 deacons who are elected by the congregation to serve a three-year term or fill a partial term. To provide more individualized support, the congregation is divided into six Care Groups, each led by two deacons.
Some of the activities which Deacons are called upon to perform/support are
Prayer Chain Ministry
- Homebound Visitation
- Ministry to the Bereaved
- Nursing Home Worship
- Birthday and Anniversary greetings
- Congregational Cards/Notes
- Delivering Flowers to members
- Assist in the Preparation and Serving of Communion during Worship and to homebound members
f you are interested in serving as a Deacon, contact members of the Board of Deacons for more information or contact the church office at 717-755-6222.